Thursday, January 20, 2005

You've got to be kidding me

So George W. Bush was inaugurated for his second presidential term. Haven't heard all the news yet, but NPR seemed kind of petty in one segment where they nitpicked some aspects of his address. Not that I'm defending President Bush; it's more that I'm disappointed that NPR would succomb to such high school behavior.

On to more important issues: the newest enemy of moral decency is none other than... SpongeBob SquarePants. According to an article in this evening's online edition of the New York Times, the conservative advocacy group Focus on the Family has targeted SpongeBob SquarePants as an advocate for tolerance towards homosexuality.

Un-fucking-believable. Guerilla war in Iraq. Ongoing military operations in Afghanistan. Active efforts to dismantle Social Security. An Attorney General who has no regard for our Constitution or international law. And the most pressing issue is SpongeBob SquarePants?

In other news, I'm totally psyched for Darth Tater. Episode III may totally suck (or it may actually be decent, we'll have to see) but Darth Tater rocks. Check it out.

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