Monday, March 07, 2005

More journalistic goofiness

While I'm on the topic of "Jeff Gannon," here's the most recent "This Modern World" comic. (Click here for a larger version)

Argh. Once again, the substance of the scandal has been overshadowed by the "salacity" factor. (For anyone keeping score, "salacity" is a real word.) In this case, the appalling security oversight that allowed Mr. "Gannon" into the White House despite his lack of any journalistic credentials has been eclipsed by the (frankly irrelevant) fact that "Jeff Gannon" was a $200/hour male escort who ran homoerotic websites and was delinquent on his taxes.

Anyone remember Rathergate? People got themselves worked up into a frenzy over the fact that the documents were fabricated thanks to observant bloggers who knew the minutiae of the history of fonts and typewriters. No one seemed to be upset that the veracity (or lack thereof) of the purported documents did nothing to mitigate the fact that President Bush himself, arguably the president most eager to commit ground troops into action in recent memory, evaded the draft during the Vietnam War by serving in the Texas Air National Guard.

Yeesh. It's enough to drive one to distraction.

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